How to structure campaigns on Google Ads

Picture of Francesco Noli

Francesco Noli

Founder Adsvanced Performance Agency - Advertising Expert

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How to structure campaigns on Google Ads

In this article we will look in detail at what the three campaign levels are.

Structure of campaigns

As mentioned above, the campaigns are structured on three levels:

  • Campaign
  • Ad groups
  • Announcements

These are levels of decreasing importance: the campaign contains groups (ad groups or adset) that in turn contain one or more ads.


Within a campaign you can decide on important aspects such as budget, bidding strategy, location and other general parameters.

It is also important to create multiple campaigns depending on the objectives. For example, if you want to make yourself known in your area and also want to generate leads, you want to achieve two goals. You can’t do that with one campaign. In this case, it pays to create two different campaigns, one per objective: a notoriety campaign and a contact generation campaign.

Ad groups

The second level is that of the announcement group. You can create multiple groups within the same campaign.

Within this level you can decide on the keywords, keywords, or search words that will trigger your ads.

It is important to create multiple ad groups within the same campaign when there are different keywords within them.

You may have chosen keywords that are similar to each other and others that are different. When keywords are similar it is convenient to place them within the same group. When they are different, however, it is better to place them in an ad group with similar keywords in turn.


At the ad level you can make the actual ad, consisting of titles, descriptions, links, etcc.

Within the same ad group you can create multiple ads. For example, you can create an ad that leverages a certain aspect and another ad that leverages yet another aspect, so you can compare what works best.

Ads within the same group will trigger the same keywords.

Relevance of ads

Why group keywords together? Because the ads need to be as similar and relevant as possible to what users are looking for. This will increase the relevance of your ads, raising the Quality Score of your account, and your ads will be rewarded with higher visibility and lower cost.

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